Bury Livingwaters Church (Close Methodist), Dumers Lane, Radcliffe, M26 2GB.

Welcome to the Home of Radcliffe Athletic Club

Club Officials

Find out more about our fantastic club officials and what inspires them to run.

Tom West


Donna Cartwright

1: Where are you from?
I was born in Whitefield and have lived in Whitefield all my life.
2. How long with club?
I have been a member of Radcliffe AC for nearly 20 years.
2. Favourite kind of running?
My absolute favourite type of running is cross country and fell running.  I love the mud, the hills, the scenery and the freedom of the fells. 
3. Why started running?
As a child I was always playing out and running around, so my mum and dad took me to Bury AC when I was nine years old and I've been running and competing ever since!  .
4. Favourite running memory? 
Having run and competed for many years, I have lots of fantastic memories, but for me without doubt it has to be when I gained an international vest at the age of 16. I competed for Great Britain in the European Cross Country Championships. An amazing experience!  
5. What do you like about the club?
I love our club for so many reasons. it's a community in itself where runners of all abilities come together to train and support one another.  Whilst all our members have different aspirations when it comes to running, they are all supported and encouraged by both the coaching team and fellow members to achieve their goals. 
As Chair I also see the hard work of our fantastic committee who work so hard behind the scenes to ensure our club is a safe, happy, forward thinking and a supportive environment for all our members.  
Call me biased, but we are a great club!

Louise Shield

Welfare Officer

1: Where are you from?
I'm originally from Liverpool. I've lived in Bury for the last 18 years and in Manchester for four years before that.
2. How long with club?
I've been a member of RAC for about four years now after a brief stint at Bury AC. I didn't know much about local running clubs but my friend showed me the light!
3. Favourite kind of running?
My favourite type of running has to be muddy running!! So trails and XC give me the biggest buzz! I also love a good hill session! 
 4. Why started running?
I started running a number of years ago whilst my daughter was training with another club. I was sat in the car and noticed a small number of runners jogging around the track and thought 'I can give that a go!' And then I was hooked! 
5. Favourite running memory?
I have lots of lovely running memories, particularly running with RAC, but my biggest achievement was running the London Marathon back in 2018 to raise money for Cancer Research UK. I also organise a 2k and 5k run for families every week in our local community and have been doing that for about 7 years! I love volunteering for the running community and like to help out with juniors every now and then.
 6. What do you like about the club?
RAC was recommended to me by a friend. I was immediately made to feel welcome and part of the club from day one. I'd never worn a club vest before as I thought I wasn't good enough or fast enough to wear club colours but the coach reassured me that EVERYONE at club is 'good enough' and we're all part of the RAC family. We certainly are a small and friendly club with socialising, as well as running, being a big part of what we do - I love it! 

 Alex Pullan

Young Persons' Liaison 

1: Where are you from?
I am originally from Ashton, Tameside but moved to Bury around 8 years ago 
2. How long with club?
 I've been with the club for 3 years
3. Favourite kind of running?
Although, I am not amazing at it, I love fell running 
 4. Why started running?
 I got in to running to get some form of fitness back and meet new people.
5. Favourite running memory?
GNR 2022, the hardest race of my life but the club spirit and the amount of money we raised was incredible. 
 6. What do you like about the club?
 I love the inclusivity of the club, being able to meet people from all over the area and I've made some great friends at the club. 

Helen Kay

Membership secretary
1: Where are you from?

Born in the Midlands, I spent 20 years in Preston, 16 years in Manchester and I've been in Bury since 2018.

2. How long with club?

I have been at the club since just 2022. I started collating the club race scores and I am new to the committee, joining in 2024.

3. Favourite kind of running?

I love running with a passion and although I've done mainly mainly road races, I've been trying cross country - although I'm not a convert to the mud yet!

4 Why started running?

A friend ran the first Manchester 10K in 2003. From 2004 it was my annual running event, but I didn't become a regular runner until 2010 when I started at parkrun. I should be running my 500th parkrun in August 2024!.

5. Favourite running memory? 

Running the London Marathon in 2022 after ten years of trying in the ballot, but I still remember bursting into tears when I first ran a sub 1hr 10K and a sub 2hr half marathon!

6. What do you like about the club?
II love the friendliness of the club and how supportive people are at races cheering for everyone. It's for all abilities. I look forward to running with everyone and socialising is great too!

Ian Swan

Head of senior section
1: Where are you from?
Bridlington - East Yorkshire, but have lived in Bury for over 15 years.
2. How long with club?
I have been a member of Radcliffe AC since 2020
3. Favourite kind of running?
I am happy with any kind of running, but I am happiest up hills and in the middle of nowhere, so trail and fell running are my favourite.
4. Why started running?
I stopped smoking and wanted to be fitter and more healthy. My brother is a runner and I wanted to give it a go. Never looked back.
5. Favourite running memory? 
Going as a club to The Great North Run was amazing. Such a good day out and we raised a few quid as well!
6. What do you like about the club?
RAC is the perfect club for people who want to meet people, improve, be encouraged and generally enjoy running. Its like a family and we welcome anyone who wants to be a part of it.

 email: ian.radcliffeac@gmail.com

Caroline Malone

Ladies Captain
1: Where are you from?
2. How long with club?
 4 Years
3. Favourite kind of running?
Trails and Mud
 4. Why started running?
Used to run at school, started triathlon about 8 years ago so joined RAC to improve my running
5. Favourite running memory?
Finally getting a sub 25 min 5k!
 6. What do you like about the club?
its friendly and supportive 

Emma Wolstencroft

Social Secretary

1: Where are you from?

Born in Portsmouth, Hampshire and no my Dad wasn’t in the Navy ;)

2. How long with club?

Joined in May 2019 as had signed up for The Great South Run in Portsmouth for October 2019 & realised that it was going to be pretty impossible to achieve this without some help from a running club

3. Favourite kind of running?

If it’s races then there has to be a great goody bag waiting at the finish line with Chester being my all-time favourite! For any other running – either good company or a good soundtrack with an interesting route and hopefully cake at the end.

 4. Why started running?

To challenge myself – signed up to Manchester 10k back in 2017 to run in May 2018 on a ‘feeling fat & frumpy’ whim and after a small break between house moves have been running ever since.

5. What do you like about the club?

The people make the club – all abilities are welcome and everyone’s friendly, encouraging & helpful – good opportunity to try out different types of running as well e.g. cross country.

Paula Abernethy


1: Where are you from?
 Hemsworth, Yorkshire

2. How long with club?
18 years

3. Favourite kind of running?
 Road Running

4. Why started running?
Because someone once said I couldn't do a half marathon and once I had done the Glasgow half I was enjoying so much I continued.

5. Favourite running memory?
Running the Cambodia half marathon and having to stop because an elephant was in my way!

6. What do you like about the club?
How the club encourages people with their training.  When we go to races how we all wait for the last person to come in. The fun and laughter we all have together and making friendships.

Simon Foulkes

Male captain

1. Where are you from?
Manchester, live in Whitefield

2. How long with club?
This is my second year as a club member.

3. Favourite kind of running?
I prefer to race on the roads, but I really enjoy a mixture of everything if I am training.

4. Why started running?
I am an official Covid Runner. During the first lockdown, I decided to lose some weight and get fit. I was going out on the bike as often as possible. 17th April 2020, I kept seeing people running past my house and decided to see if I could get out and do that too (as my bike was also broken). The rest is history...

5. Favourite running memory?
Difficult that one. Too many great times in the last 3 years. So 3 really ! First marathon, Manchester October 2021, totally demolishing what I expected to do. Finishing my first Ultra -- 47miles of the Lap at Windermere and seeing my family at finish. Probably seeing Donna (who puts up with my constant running nonsense) just rock up at Manchester Half last year and storm her way round.

6. What do you like about the club?
Simply, how friendly everyone is. I am never going to be an elite runner at 44, but everyone encourages you to run and improve if you want to. I have really enjoyed seeing other people join and improve dramatically in such a short space of time!

Peter Warr

Head of junior section

 1: Where are you from?
2. How long with club?
 With the club about 6 years (I think!)
3. Favourite kind of running?
 Open to any kind of running - as long as it's not too far!
 4. Why started running?
 Started to run to challenge myself with something aside from my normal day to day life.
5. Favourite running memory?
Running across the top of Blackstone edge on my first fell race feeling like i was hunting orcs with Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings!
 6. What do you like about the club?
The way it encourages everybody and cheers them on no matter their ability. 

Mark Taylor


 1: Where are you from?
I grew up in Devon and I've lived in Prestwich since 2022.
2. How long with club?
 I joined in 2023.
3. Favourite kind of running?
 Road running is my favourite, but I’m trying to get into the other kinds.
 4. Why started running?
 I initially started running a few years ago to shift some weight and have just carried on since then. Never thought I’d join a running club.

5. Favourite running memory?

I’ve had so many amazing days racing for RAC. Standouts so far are my first race for the club at the Lostock 6 in 2023, Blackpool Run the Lights and Manchester Half Marathon, but my favourite so far is Berlin Half Marathon 2023.
 6. What do you like about the club?

The club is so friendly and encourages runners of all abilities. There’s always a huge amount of support from members at all races and everyone waits for the last person to cheer them in. I love seeing the smiles on everyone’s faces both at races and on those cold training nights. It’s such a great club to be a part of.